Beuys Brock Vostell

Aktion Demonstration Partizipation 1949–1983

Cover of the publication »Beuys Brock Vostell«: red text on black background, three black and white photos.

Type of publication
Exhibition catalog
Author / Editor
Peter Weibel (Ed.)
Publishing house, place
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern
A rich archive of original source material: correspondence, photographs, contemporary documents, scores and manuscripts.

For the first time, the prominent German artists Joseph Beuys (1921–1986), Bazon Brock (*1936), and Wolf Vostell (1932–1998), who collaborated in the sixties, are being presented in a single publication. In addition to parallels in the content of their work, such as their examination of the Holocaust, the three friends shared certain interests in terms of their approach. All three were involved in developing teaching practices as a form of performance art and in shifting communication, discussion, and demonstrations to the heart of their work. The radical emancipation of the individual and social reform were also common goals. Not only groundbreaking for the de­velopment of the expanded concept of art, their practices also made a fundamental contribution to the performative turn and the development of participatory concepts in twentieth century art.
416 pp., 1000 ill., 31 x 24,5 cm, hardcover
Production / Corporation / Exhibition
ZKM | Center for Art and Media

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