Tine Surel Lange

Portrait of Tine Surel Lange
Year of birth, place
1989, Vesterålen, Norway
lives and works in
Role at the ZKM
Guest Artist
At the ZKM
  • 2023

Arctic landscapes, surrounding sounds, mythologies, and sound choreography are some of the inspirations that shape the works by the Norwegian composer and interdisciplinary artist Tine Surel Lange (* 1989, Vesterålen, Norway). Based in Northern Norway, her work is rooted in organic material – with a focus on listening, space, and how connotations colour how we listen to and experience art. Lately, she has been focused on sound choreography, 3D sound, sounding objects, sound for scenic productions, and creating conceptual works for sound and image – fascinated by magical realism and the coming doom of the human race.

Surel Lange studied composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music, digital composition at the Lithuanian Academy of Music, sound design and sound art at Sonic College, and early music and viola da gamba at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. She is now presenting compositions, installations, performances and presentations all over the world.