Forschungsgruppe Security • Usability • Society (SECUSO), KIT

Phishing Master

Homescreen of the online game »Phishing Master«,  abandoned animated open plan office, above it the writing "start game".
Forschungsgruppe Security • Usability • Society (SECUSO), KIT
Phishing Master
Medium / Material / Technic


Internet fraudsters use various strategies to harm you or even your business, such as sending so-called phishing emails.
»Phishing Master« is a so-called serious game, with which you can learn to read web addresses correctly or to recognize dangerous links and attachments.
How it works: Messages are displayed on the monitor in the virtual office, which they are supposed to examine for authenticity. If the message is suspicious, you have to shoot at the message itself – if not, then at a legitimate field. At the end of the game, you will be shown justifications for all the tasks you have been given.
The game was developed during a KASTEL internship of the SECUSO research group as part of the digilog@bw project. The students Tobias Länge and Philipp Matheis were supervised by Dr. Peter Mayer.