KIT | Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Marketing (IISM), KIT | Institut für Telematik


Exhibition view of the object PrEyeCo; three desks with computers and yellow chairs
KIT | Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Marketing (IISM), KIT | Institut für Telematik
Medium / Material / Technic
3 desks, 3 PCs, 3 monitors, 3 eye trackers, 3 keyboards, 3 computer mice


Privacy-aware Eye Tracking in a Collaborative Game

The use of video conferencing software has increased massively. A problem of video conferences lies in the fact that important non-verbal cues can only be perceived poorly or not at all. This particularly concerns the gaze direction. The lack of this social cue is known to result in lower joint attention.

Eye-tracking technology – the technical recording of eye movements – is supposed to enhance joint attention in remote meetings by sharing collaborators’ gaze positions in real time. However, many users have legitimate privacy concerns since eye-tracking data contains rich sensitive information. They often feel socially pressured when their eye movements are tracked during video conferences. 

The »PrEyeCo« game leverages a privacy-aware eye-tracking technology. It demonstrates the potential of eye-tracking technology in remote collaboration under consideration of privacy concerns.


KIT | Information & Market Engineering (IISM): Dr. Peyman Toreini, Pascal Roller, Moritz Langner, Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche

KIT | Institute of Telematics (TM): Dr. Sebastian Friebe, Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart

You can find more information here and here.