Nicole Kreckel

A young woman with glasses stands in front of a white background and wears a beige plaid coat.

Nicole Kreckel is an art researcher and mediator. Her teaching and research explores museums as social spaces, political images and museums on TikTok. She worked as a research assistant at the Visual Culture Department of the Institute for Art Education at Goethe University Frankfurt. During this time, she led the TAKE CARE project, collaborated with students to create an escape room centered on democracy, and co-edited the anthology »Politische Bilder lesen. Ein Werkzeugkasten zur Bildanalyse« with her colleague Melanie Dietz. At the MMK Frankfurt and in partnership with the Dialogmuseum Frankfurt, she focuses on participatory, inclusive and non-discriminatory art mediation. Her academic background includes studies in art history, philosophy, and art - media - cultural education with a focus on contemporary art at Goethe University Frankfurt.