Noé Soulier

Year of birth, place
1987, Paris, France

Noé Soulier studied at the Paris Conservatory, the National Ballet School of Canada, and at PARTS - Brussels. He received his master's degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne University (Paris IV). Noé Soulier's research focuses on the tension between conversation, facial expressions and gestures. In »Signe blanc« (2012) and »Movement on Movement« (2013), he explores the extent to which gestures are involved in the construction of meaning. In »Little Perceptions« (first prize of the Danse Élargie competition, organized by Le Théâtre de la Ville in Paris and Le Musée de la Danse) and »Corps de ballet« (2014), he focuses on the situation between movement intention and movement execution. Since September 2014, Noé Soulier is associated artist at CN D Centre national de la danse.