Stephan Schulz

You can see Stephan Schulz sitting in front of a laptop. The laptop is standing on a black case.
Year of birth, place
East Berlin, Germany
lives and works in
Montreal, Canada

Stephan Schulz was born in East Berlin, Germany. He received a Masters in Interaction Design in 2005 from the Universität der Künste in Berlin and received a Master of Fine Arts in Media Arts in 2007 from NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Stephan is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses electronic media and custom made software to create performative electronic installations. He makes use of new and used consumer appliances from windshield wipers to iPods. Having grown-up in East Germany, he is influenced by the custom of re-purposing appliances in order to build something new. His works are clever, and often humorous while underlining current societal issues.

Stephan lives in Montreal. He pursues his own artistic career while working as Head of R+D for Antimodular Research, a new media art production studio headed by artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer.