Call for Works: Algorithmic Spaces

Several speakers hanging from the ceiling

In the run-up to the festival »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« (December 7–8, 2018) the ZKM | Karlsruhe and the project »Algorithms that Matter« (ALMAT) call for submissions of works dealing with space and the spatiality of calculation processes.

Are there inherent spatial properties of algorithms? What, for example, is the connection between the iterations of code, the behavior of multi-agent systems, the exploration of databases and their inscription in perceptible, auditory space? We are looking for works that use generative processes to produce space instead of using a secondary spatialization process, treating space as a critical phenomenon resulting from the work with algorithms, for sound artifacts that investigate concepts of space by embedding them in algorithmic processes.

Submissions can include both fixed media compositions and live performances. The Open Call for Works for the festival »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« focuses on works that apply unexpected, non-cartesian, non-standardized, reckless and experimental approaches to space in sound to map special materializations of algorithmic spaces.

Each submission must be accompanied by an explanation (max. 300 words) explaining the space concept pursued and its strategy of implementation. In addition, a technical description must be submitted which outlines the ground plan of the piece, the spatial or environmental requirements as well as expected rehearsal and set-up times.
The successful submissions will be presented at the opening concert of »inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« in the Cube of the ZKM on December 7, 2018.

In addition to a fee of €300, the artists of the selected submissions will be reimbursed travel costs of a maximum of €400 and accommodation costs of a maximum of €200.

Submissions can be made up to and including Sunday, October 14, 2018 (with no expiring download link) by sending an e-mail to

»inSonic 2018: Algorithmic Spaces« is a cooperation between ZKM | Karlsruhe and »Algorithms that Matter« (ALMAT, FWF AR 403-GBL).