Jaffa. The Orange’s Clockwork
Mon, October 11, 2010 7 pm CEST, Film Screening

Who does not know of the Jaffa orange? It has been tasty and healthy and world famous for decades. Even such stars as Ingrid Bergman and Louis Armstrong posed for the fruit – “Jaffa” was the Coca-Cola of fruit juices. The history of the harbor city of Jaffa, the outskirts of which today constitute a district of Tel Aviv, reaches back thousands of years. Until the onset of the 20th century, it was among the most lively cosmopolitan cities in the Middle East – both culturally, economically and politically. Orange groves have been cultivated in the Jaffa environs for over centuries, and the export of the Palestinian “Jaffa oranges” guaranteed by the harbor. By means of unique archival materials, interviews with eye-witnesses and discussions with experts, author Eyal Sivan has traced the history of this orange brand and gone on to produce a narrative that pushes beyond the restrictions of mere nationalist historiographical interest.

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