ALEPH Guitar Quartet
In the photo you can see four men dressed in black and each has a guitar in his hand.
»through the ears of...«
Sat, January 14, 2023 7 pm CET

The ALEPH Guitar Quartet presents, among other things, a world premiere as well as a German premiere and surprises the audience with a very special musical experience.

A binaurally miked guest sits acoustically ideally positioned to the musicians of the ALEPH Guitar Quartet. The microphones are located in the ears of one listener. The individual anatomy determines what the recipients in the Cube will hear.

Technically, this method is similar to recording with an artificial head. This is characterized by precise spatial directional imaging. In contrast to the standardized auricles of the artificial head, however, the very individual ear characteristics of the guest come into play here.

Between the pieces Ludger Brümmer conducts interviews with the composers of the performed works.


Organization / Institution
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Funded by