»Dawn in Ascent – Hommage à Jacob Böhme«

A metro station dipped in golden light

Jacob Böhme is undeniably something of a miracle in the history of mankind, particularly in the history of German thought. Jacob Böhme (1575-1624), the shoemaker and visionary of Görlitz, is the least known, most mysterious and at the same time potentially the most influential figure in the German history of ideas. His philosophical work, which amounts to thousands of pages, posits a radical Christianity and contains a wealth of anthropological, cosmological and natural philosophical ideas which have still not been fully explored to date. ‘Morgenröte im Aufgang/Dawn in Ascent’ is a film which attempts to bring this important person closer to a modern audience, thereby throwing light on some fundamental spiritual issues of our time. ‘Morgenröte im Aufgang/Dawn in Ascent’ is not a biographical period-piece documentary, but a feature film, in which Jacob Böhme, personified by an actor as “The man who writes”, speaks to us in his own words, based on the edition of the collected works of Jacob Böhme published in Amsterdam in 1730.